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Chevron's Gorgon LNG Resumes Full Production After Month-Long Outage

What To Do Next?

We've benefited from a fairly strong oil market, resulting in an energy subsector that has been outperforming the stock indexes for the past several weeks. In short, our energy thesis has made us a lot of money so far - and it's probably a good time to drill down on where we are in specific stock picks I have made and whether this is the time to buy more, take profits or just hold on. I'll run through some of the big ones I've harped on and the recommended buy levels and current prices.

I'll also make clear which ones I personally own and which I don't - which shouldn't make any difference in strategy for you, but readers always seem to want to know.

EOG Resources (EOG) - One of my big personal stakes, this one has been recommended and bought basically all the way down under $65 and I own with a basis price under $72 a share.

I've talked endlessly about their "premium" well strategy and how that strengthens them for the long haul, their superior acreage and balance sheet control. There are sexier operators out there, like Pioneer Natural Resources (PXD), but none better. The chart is also clean as a whistle - this one is a hold for a very long time to come for me, and I wouldn't hesitate to buy more if shares slipped again towards $78 - but I'd be surprised to see it.

Hess (HES) - This one remains a trading vehicle, one that I currently don't own. I've recommended shares near $50, which has proven a great place to get in.

After some…

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Dan Dicker

Dan Dicker is a 25 year veteran of the New York Mercantile Exchange where he traded crude oil, natural gas, unleaded gasoline and heating oil… More